Maximizing ROI with Real-Time Vehicle Usage Data

by Christian
Is customer experience really that important to you?

By Roman Gardetskyi, Head of Global Partnerships AG

How many manufacturers genuinely care about the customer experience and build their services based on what the customer truly needs and wants? Sure, you can assume, think, feel, and use other verbs of that nature. In reality, only a few powersports manufacturers, both maritime and overland, possess the data regarding vehicle usage patterns and driver behaviour. And let's be clear, having GPS connectivity or a Bluetooth infotainment system doesn't count as vehicle data or make your vehicles 'intelligent.

Then you proceed and allocate a budget for marketing and sales. Nine times out of ten, that will hardly give the desired result because campaigns are based on "I assume, think, feel" instead of actual, raw data, resulting in wasted budget and unengaged clients.

Utilize your vehicle data, turn vehicle sales into recurring revenue, leverage usage behaviour in your marketing and sales campaigns, and tailor your offerings to the specific needs of your vehicle owners.

GOVECS GROUP eSchwalbe is a great example of how software-defined vehicles shape the product’s ecosystem and client relations, creating additional value for vehicle owners as well as enabling new revenue streams for the manufacturer and partners.

Request access to the demo account, and see for yourself how you can monetize each of your vehicles and provide a tailored and personalised experience for the owners.